Conference Event Program


The AU + NZ Mushroom Growers Conference will be held on Tuesday 22nd to Thursday 24th October 2024, at the Grand Millenium Hotel in Auckland, New Zealand.

A pre-conference farm tour of Mercer Mushrooms is scheduled for Tuesday 22nd October.

The exhibition on Wednesday and Thursday is an essential part of the conference and provides a platform for our sponsors and exhibitors to speak face-to-face with decision makers and connect with other companies in the market.

With two exceptional networking functions, the AU + NZ Mushroom Growers Conference offers a great opportunity for delegates to re-connect, as it has been four years since our previous industry conference.  

This year, the event offers an exciting ADD ON tour option, to travel to Christchurch to tour Meadow Mushrooms. 



AU + NZ Mushroom Growers Conference Program

Tuesday 22 October – Mercer Mushrooms Farm Tour

Bus leaves 9am sharp!
Meet in Grand Millennial Hotel foyer, 8.45am
Travel by bus from Hotel to Mercer Mushrooms
10.00am – 11.30am Tour of Mercer Mushrooms Compost Facility 
11.30am – 12.30pm Tour of Mercer Mushrooms 
12.30pm – 2.00pm BBQ Lunch (included) 
2.00pm – 3.00pm Travel by bus back to Grand Millennium Hotel
6.00pm – 10.00pm Networking Function (Smart Casual)

* Please note that the program is subject to change without notice.

Wednesday 23 October – Conference + Exhibition 




8.50am – 9.05am Dr. Geoff Martin. Conference Chair Welcome and official opening
9.05am – 9.25am Benjamin Picton. Rabo Bank, Senior Strategist Economic update for Australia and New Zealand
9.25am – 10.05am Arpad Musty. Bio-Fungi, CEO (Hungary) Composting into the Future
10.05am – 10.45am Raymond Samp. Agri Culture Mushroom Consulting Services (USA) Pinning for Optimum Harvest
10.45am – 11.15am


11.15am – 11.55am Dr. Michael Wolfin. Penn State University Department of Entomology, Assistant Research Professor (USA) Development of novel IPM methods to control mushroom flies on mushroom farms
11.55am – 12.35pm Dr. Anica Amini. Sylvan Inc. European Research Manager, (France) Sylvan Breeding Research Program
12.35pm – 1.35pm


1.35pm – 2.05pm Stéphane Doutriaux. MycoSense (Switzerland) Can simple technology help boost picker performance?
2.05pm – 2.35pm Sean O’Connor. 4AG Robotics, CEO (Canada) Robots Picking Mushrooms
2.35pm – 2.55pm Q&A – Panel:  Speakers TBC Mushroom Automation in to the future
2.55pm – 3.25pm


3.35pm – 4.05pm Dr. Eoghan Corbett, Research Officer Teagasc. (Ireland) Peat-reduced casing media; How differential hydrological behaviour in casing blends is expressed in terms of mushroom yield and quality.
4.05pm – 4.45pm Q&A – Panel: Speakers TBC The Future of Casing Alternatives
6.30pm – 10.30pm

Sylvan Gala Dinner – Grand Millenium Ballroom

(Cocktail / Semi Formal)

* Please note that the program is subject to change without notice.

Thursday 24 October – Conference + Exhibition 




8.30am – 8.40am Andrew Francey. Hort Innovation, General Manager, Industry Service & Delivery Hort Innovation Update
8.40am – 8.50am Dumisani Mlungha. Hort Innovation, Industry Service & Delivery Manager Hort Innovation R&D Levy Fund Overview
8.50am – 9.20am Wendy Hubbard.  Hort Innovation, Data Insights Unlocking Growth: Understanding Mushroom Consumers and Category Perception
9.20am – 9.55am Monique Emmi. Hort Innovation, Marketing Manager Australian Mushrooms Marketing Update
9.55am – 10.15am Q&A Panel:  Hort Innovation Team Ask Hort Innovation
10.15am – 10.45am


10.45am – 11.05am Uberto Calvo. Applied Horticultural Research, Agricultural Scientist Marsh Lawson Mushroom Research Unit Update
11.05am – 11.35am Dr. Michael Kertesz. University of Sydney, Associate Professor, Soil Microbiology Using compost biomarkers to predict mushroom crop yield and quality
11.35am – 12.05pm Dr. Warwick Gill (University of Tasmania) & Judy Allan Pest and Disease management for the Australian mushroom industry
12.05pm – 12.35pm Dr. Aimee McKinnon. Agriculture Victoria, Research Scientist Investigating biorational agents to complement mushroom pest and disease management
12.35pm – 1.05pm Jeff Vickers. ThinkStep ANZ, Technical Director Life Cycle Assessment of the Australian Mushroom Industry
1.05pm – 2.05pm


2.05pm – 2.35pm Leah Bramich. AMGA Chief Executive Officer AMGA Update
2.35pm – 3.15pm Patrick McClelland & Lydia Bilton – Porter Novelli Mushrooms and alleged murder: Defending industry reputation in the face of scandal
3.15pm – 4pm Dr. Carlene Starck – FOODiQ Global Mushrooms in health and nutrition: recent research and opportunities
4.00pm – 4.05pm Dr. Geoff Martin  – Conference Chairman – Closing remarks


Delegates attending the additional tour of Meadow Mushrooms depart. Bus leaves for airport at 6pm sharp. 

* Please note that the program is subject to change without notice.


Friday  25 October – Meadow Mushrooms Farm Tour

8.15am (Bus leaves 8am sharp) Travel by bus from Hotel to Meadow Mushrooms
8.30am – 10.00am Tour of Meadow Mushrooms Compost Facility 
10.00am – 11.30am Tour of Meadow Mushrooms 
11.30am – 1.30pm Lunch (included) – Venue TBC
1.30pm – 2.30pm Travel by bus back to hotel. (Tour ends)

* Please note that the program is subject to change without notice.