Dumisani Mhlanga

Industry Services Delivery Manager

Hort Innovation

Dumisani (Dumi) Mhlanga is an accomplished Industry Service Delivery Manager at Hort Innovation, a role he has excelled in since 2018. With over 30 years of experience in the horticulture industry, Dumi has significantly contributed to various horticultural crops, including table grapes, apples and pears, Nashi, citrus, macadamia, pistachio, chestnuts, Summerfruit, cherries and greenhouse tomatoes. His expertise spans in production, advanced systems, and innovation across Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Australia. Dumisani holds a master’s degree in Agribusiness and several postgraduate qualifications, underscoring his dedication to the Horticulture Industry.

The Australian Horticulture levy system and the importance of the Australian mushrooms strategic investment plan

Understanding the importance of the levy system and the Mushroom strategic investment Plan in driving growth, sustainability, competitiveness, resilience, innovative, and meeting both current and future challenges.